24 Jan - 2020
20 Jun - 2019
New Porch Design Wins 2019 Montclair Historic Preservation Award
What a difference a porch makes! We are honored to announce that Francis C. Klein & Associates was the recipient of a 2019 Historic Preservation Award from the Montclair Historic Preservation Commission. Speaking on behalf of the Commission, architect John...
26 Jan - 2017
FKA Pool House Featured in Design NJ
Our Essex Fells pool house, designed in 2012, was featured in the June/July 2017 issue of Design NJ magazine. The pool house was added to look like an original farm building, situated in a field at the lower level of the...
3 Feb - 2016
6 Feb - 2015
FKA Renaissance Villa Featured in Home & Garden
Our Renaissance villa was featured in New Jersey Home & Garden, where it was praised for “combining the best of contemporary architectural design with the spirit of the Italian Renaissance… at once monumental and livable.” The article explained how the clients played “an...